Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guess what

Hey want to hear somthing funny ok then well today in Mythology me and my BFF Brittney were cutting random paper with those squiggley scissors you know the ones that go like ~~~~ those are cool. Well she took it to my hair and snpped, snipped, snipped but luckily it didnt cut so I was all like you cut my hair and you better run. She stopped because she fears me or at least in my world everybody does lol. So she said "Grr why wont these stupid scissors work" so she took it to her hair thinking that it would'nt cut but she manage to cut like three or four inches from her hair every body laughed. Then she said "sure now you choose to work" haha that was hilarious. And then a bunch of sixth graders came to my school today to get toured around. But they were just the E.C best kids sixth graders are going to be coming to my school all week so its been pretty crowded. And you know those kids that are wannabe jocks but they are really nerdy and whimpy and sorta rude and nobody likes except for their own posse of like four people well they were all like "oh dude guess what I just gave a sixth grader a wedgie" but I didn't actually see it with my own eyes so I really wouldn't know because I didn't actually see it but I really doubt it. And tomorrow I usually go to my grandmas with my cousins and it's really fun but I am going to be like an hour late because I am going to the electric chaires. I kow thats a really weird name for a hair salon but the manager Dixie cuts my hair really good every time. Oh and that test I told you about that i did'nt know any of the answers to so I guessed I gota 92 and a 1/2 I should go for the middle more often. oh yeah and now brittneys hair lookes funny. Okay bye.

1 comment:

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

sounds like u had an eventful day jess lol see you soon remen=mber ask ur mom if u can sleep over tomarrow kk see u soon