Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Geography class

So in my geography class we are learning about the inviroment and glonal warming. So my geography teacher Mrs. Harrison gave us a project where we have to create a childrens book about peoples effect on the enviroment. It will tell a story about the positiva and negative role people play in their enviroment. And luckily I got paired up with my friend Hannah who is awesome. Anyway here are the guidelines:It has to be simple like 1st grade level and alot of colorfull pictures with no stick figures. And must have at least 10 pages. Thats pretty much it. And luckily I have a 6 year old cousin who I can test it out on. YaY. We thought that if it has to be simple the first thing that came to our minds is a alphabet book. we thought that would be perfect. Here is what I have so far:
A: Acting your part in the help to save the planet
B: Being a good example
C: Caring for our home
D: Don't be wastefull
E: Enviroment freindly is the way to go
F: Fire is hurtfull to our planet
G: Go Green
H: Home is suppost to be a clean clear place
I: Isn't this a awesome place to live
J: Junk can be recycled
K: Keep our planet clean
L: Love your enviroment
M: Make sure you recycle
N: Never litter
O: ??????????
P: ??????????
Q: ???????????
R: ????????????
S: ????????????
T: ????????????
U: ????????????
V: ????????????
W: ???????????
X: ????????????
Y: ?????????????
Z: ?????????????

Ya I still need to figure out O-Z so if you have any ideas let me know.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Go green

Yay go eco-freaks or tree huggers you rock. oh ya well its 9:17 and i have just participated in my part in saving the planet. At excactly 9:00 everybody is suppost to turn all electricity for only one minute and it wasnt that hard.Ooh and we got some of those cool eco-friendly light bulbs you know those twisty ones. I know this isnt a very interesting topic but i thought I had to share.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

Birthday party

Today was my birthday party and it was pretty fun. You would never guess how many times i fell. oh and my mom actually got on skates it was pretty funny because she was afraid to get up because she thought she would fall but she actually did good untill she fell on me and almost made me take a faceplant into the birthday cake. lol. I got the delux package which inculded 2 whole pizzas free glowey sticks for all my guests and 2 free passes for everybody to come back. My friends hannah, brittney and carol came and carol brought two people named kelsey who is 11 and a 9 year old that i forgother name i think they were there cousins but i have never met them before so ya. there was way more pizza then we needed because i was expecting alot more people to come and way moere glowey sticks then we knew what to do with there was like a whole box of glowey sticks but sadly we werent allowd to keep the extra glowey sticks. Me and carol got yelled at for twirling the glowey sticks in the air but it was actually kind of funny. And there is still like half a cake left but we gave like a quarter of sponge bob cake to my grandma. And when they call you up to stand on the blue dot in the middle of coarse i fell and even the dj laughed at me. but tyler did the same so i felt it was funny because when the candles on my cake were lit and it was time to sing happy birthday the game wipeout started so we did it all in about 30 seconds they were like singing so fast it was almost hard to understand them but there was like a lot of candles so it took me a couple blows. then we rushed to the rink and there was like 50 girls and like 2 boys and it was like girls vs boys and the boys won of coarse. And when we were playing the dice game i was like in the bottom 5 and thought i was skilled but they called my number so i lost. grrrrrrrrr. and when i went to the middle of the rink to get my balloon it was hilariouse because there was this 4 year old little boy just standing there glaring at me with a bright pink balloon in his hand but honestly i thought that was his balloon so i just stood there with everybody staring at me for like 2 minutes untill the the dj said take the freaking balloon already so i did the little boy rolled his eyes at me and skated away. i was embarrassed but it was actually kinda funny. Then when the song just dance came on by lady gaga me hannah did the macarana like retards lol.then i played air hockey with brittney and she won 7 to 0 not fair i tell you lol. all in all it was fun

Friday, April 17, 2009

Today is my birthday yay. I just got back from reno a couple hours agoafter eating a huge lunch at the atlantis it is a all you can eat buffet.
And i got:
A huge salad with every thing on it
BBQ ribs
stuffed salmon
pasta salad
lemon thingy
chocolate eclair
and thays about it wow i thought i was going to explode. Tommorow is my birthday party and i am pretty excited. Me and my friends Brittney P., Brittnet S., and Kendra are having an embarrasing cake contest. Brittney p. got care bears, I got sponge bob, Brittney S. os getting thomas the train, Kendra is getting strwberry shortcake. I will probably lose because spongebob is awesome. lol.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy EAster

Hey guys happy easter!!!! and to celebrate I am typing to you in easter pastell colors oh and guess what I am officially moved in whoo hoo. And i decorated my room awesomly I put psters up and covered my entire door and they arent even recent pictures just random ones out of my keepsake box . guess what this morning I typed this verry blog this //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////long. but my computer crashed and deleted all my work (that was frustrating). I dont feel like typing all that back up.So anyway I am so excited because this week is my birthday i am turning 13 and I am having a party at the skating rink. I didnt do anything today except almost get sick over pizza rolls. Gosh this freaking color engine wont work so sorry no pretty colors so bye.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


Hey I have somethin to write about today yay. So guess what I am moving whoo hoo and its right next to my grandmas house which is even more exciting. We didnt know that we had to move but one day we got a phone call saying that they were selling our house to someone else but we were just like how rude are people. you know what i am sayin to you lol. anyway the house is pretty cute excepy for the yucky carpets but its all good. I lots of invisioned ideas for my room that will make it awsome. My grandma gave us a house warming gift which was like tons of spices including sprinkles.oh and actually remember my class list well actually geography is my new favorite class yay. I cant wait to go to geography tomorrow.yay.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Hi people

Hi people I just wanted to say hi people and whats up and hows it going.
Sorry I just got bored and couldn't think about anything to write about.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Guess what

Hey want to hear somthing funny ok then well today in Mythology me and my BFF Brittney were cutting random paper with those squiggley scissors you know the ones that go like ~~~~ those are cool. Well she took it to my hair and snpped, snipped, snipped but luckily it didnt cut so I was all like you cut my hair and you better run. She stopped because she fears me or at least in my world everybody does lol. So she said "Grr why wont these stupid scissors work" so she took it to her hair thinking that it would'nt cut but she manage to cut like three or four inches from her hair every body laughed. Then she said "sure now you choose to work" haha that was hilarious. And then a bunch of sixth graders came to my school today to get toured around. But they were just the E.C best kids sixth graders are going to be coming to my school all week so its been pretty crowded. And you know those kids that are wannabe jocks but they are really nerdy and whimpy and sorta rude and nobody likes except for their own posse of like four people well they were all like "oh dude guess what I just gave a sixth grader a wedgie" but I didn't actually see it with my own eyes so I really wouldn't know because I didn't actually see it but I really doubt it. And tomorrow I usually go to my grandmas with my cousins and it's really fun but I am going to be like an hour late because I am going to the electric chaires. I kow thats a really weird name for a hair salon but the manager Dixie cuts my hair really good every time. Oh and that test I told you about that i did'nt know any of the answers to so I guessed I gota 92 and a 1/2 I should go for the middle more often. oh yeah and now brittneys hair lookes funny. Okay bye.