Saturday, June 6, 2009


Hey i just wanted to tell you how awesome yesturday was well first at school since it was a half day classes were like not even an hour long. Well my first class was health so well first i had to finish my final which i didnt really see the point in since she officially closed the grade book on wednesday. but we played movie scene it but it must have been made like a 100 years ago because none of us had heard of any of the movies except my teacher (of coarse). then my next class was english and she said we could do any thing we wanted that was silent so i didnt really have much to do so I just grabbed a random book out of my backpack which happened to be my twilight book which i already read 2 times so i just flipped it to some random page and pretended to read. But it was funny because my friend charish didnt bring her back pack so mrs. applegate made her clean the room. all 8th graders werent allowed on the school grounds and about half of the 7th graders went to the movies on a feild trip so it was awesome because the whole school was empty. in my english class mrs. applegate decided to play a brain busters game. there was only 8 students in class 4 girls and 4 boys and of coarse girls won (no shocker there). then for my math we had to go to the art room with 3 other classes and we wATCHED rugrats. Then for my last class science I was expecting to just sit there and watch mythbusters like in my previouse post but no we had to go to the home ec room and by then me and my friend shivani were dying of starvation so we asked ms pattersen if she had any food (well shivani did i was too chicken) she gave her a stale popcorn ball that she found in the bottom of her desk. then we all counted down "5, 4, 3, 2, 1" "wait a second okay lets start again 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 uggggh" so we waited a minute then started again "5, 4,YYYYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY.
Then at 6:00 i got a call from my friend monique and asked if I wantedto go to the skating rink from 7-10. So i got dropped off at 7 and aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh it was way over crowded i forgot that 6th graders got in for free it was way fun well first i beat my friend brittney at air hockey then me brittney and monique went to the bathroom and made a bunch of prank calls then monique put ice down brittneys shirt and said i did it so brittney chased me into the rink and of coarse i outran her because i was on skates and she was in flip flops. then we got a huge bag of cotten candy and me and monique was having a cotton candy fight and brittney was hiding under a tray in which the snack bar lady gave to me so it would make it easier to carry 4 large sodas over there on skates and did it help nope, there goes my dream of working at sonic lol. then i put a huge chunk of cotten candy down moniques shirt and it took her a full hour for her to notice. then at 10:00 my uncle mike came to pick me up and totally think i passed out in his car thats how tired i was. so yeah all in all it was a fun night

P.s I was going to write about carl the frog: the frog i disected. My friend raeann just had to name him carl and the dead fly we found when we cut open the stomach bob lol. But ya i had excrutionating detailes but i dont feel like typing tnhem now maybe later so bye

1 comment:

AuthorOfTomorrow216 said...

sounda like funlol poor carl