Sunday, May 17, 2009

7 paper fold, puppies, finals, and baseball

Hi this week was eventfull in the most boring ways that are kinda somewhat interesting. Well first at scool on friday there was a track meet so in science since there wasnt alot of people so we just watched mythbusters all class period. Actually that show was pretty cool, and so far from that I learned :
If you drop a penny from a skyscraper if it lands on somebodys head it can kill them

Never put a lava lamp on a stove for obviouse reasons i dont feel like explaning

Putting mentos in soda only works with mint mentos and diet pepsi

If you put a stamp on a helicopter it will spin out of controll

If you ever drive a car into a swimming pool wait untill the car is completely under water to try to open the door

Ya so thats it wait oh ya there was also the myth where you cant fold a piece of paper in halfmore than 7 times and to bust the myth they tried regularsized paper large paper regular paper and a iron and none of them worked so they went to nasa and got this piece of paper bigger than a football feild and it took like 20 people to fold it and instead of a iron they used a bulldozer. They ended up doing it but we cant all have football feild sized paper. But I just took a piece of paper and folded it 12 times but it wasnt in half but i tried to do it in half and it was just too hard i couldnt do it maybe later i can get my cousin teryn to sit on it and flatten it like a pancake. But he jacked my ipod charger.
/subject change/
Yesturday me and merrielena walked to safeway and they were giving out the cutest little puppies ever for free, they were sheltie yorkie mix and so tiny. I was so excited when my mom said if I saw one i liked i could take it but the second we got there the last one was taken. but there were 2 more inthe shopping cart but no they already have homes i was heartbroken so we might go to caps and rescue the dog that deserves a second chance.
/another subject change/
we got our finals friday and wow when i look at them i feel like my brain is going to explode but the good thing is they are take home finals so i could use a calculater and no one will know lol.
/ dont worry last subject change/
Yesturday i went to bretts base ball game by force. well teryn asked me if i wanted to go to bretts game later today and i said sure but by later today i thought he meant like noon so i went back to sleep then at 9:50 he said what are you doing why arent you getting ready i said i still have time what time is his game he said nine then i looked at the time and said i cant get ready in 10 minutes so i said go without me i will go to the next game so i went back to sleep then he picked me up and threw me on the floor i got back on the couch he did it again ya it just went back and forth. then he finally gave up and got a squirt bottle he sqirted me in the ear and then i got a ear ache i knew he wouldnt stop till i was soaked so i hid under the blanket that worked for all of 20 seconds till it started seeping through the blanket so i hid behind merrielena and he still didnt stop she didnt like that too much so she went and stormed off to her room i thought that was pretty funny so i ended up hoing and it was pretty fun bretts team won but strangely brett didnt seem to be to happy about it well he was probably bakeing in the underarmor he was wearing under his uniform. I got a hot dog and it was pretty good untill chesnee poured her cheese from her pretzel all over it but actually it didnt taste that bad.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Hi people HAPPY NATIONAL STAR WARS DAY. (MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU). lol. Today at school was okay, first in health class we did a stupid little play about the digestive system and guess who I played; the colon but better believe I was the best darn colon ever lol. Too bad I wasnt the salavary gland because I could have beaten the food (ashely) with a cool light saber. And we also learned about eating disorders and anorexia and strange diets. And by strange diets I mean like who shoves coffee up their butt to lose weight well apparently beyonce does but thats really weird. And also what I didn't know was that when my mom was 15 she had really bad anorexia and had to go to hospitols and she was like only 50 pounds, shoot I weighed that much when I was in 1st grade. Oh and at lunch My friend brittney pushed me into this boy named corey and ewwwwwww. So I pushed her into our other friend Haylee but then she pushed me into this 6 foot boy named madison and again ewwwwwww. oh and when i got shoved into corey he called me a b word (not nice). Ooooooooooooooohhhh how I have to get her back I tried to push her back but now I just pushed her into the air. And to the election thats going on for student body president yay go emma boooooooo sydney (wow I hope he doesnt see this). But oh well. I would have run but I have run for the past 3 years, no luck. Oh and we are registering for 8th grade classes and I really want to take choir not because of the singing I can't stand singing but I'll be in a group of a 100 people so can just lip sink mwahahah some of tylers evilness is already rubbing off on me. But the reason I want to be in it is because well first I get to miss school and go to feild trips to out of town concerts and hopefully I will be in the back so no one will see me or if not just picture everyone in their underwear well i dont know how that works but apparently it does. So uh I cant think of anything else to write so bye.