Sunday, February 22, 2009

You probably know alot about me from my last post well unless your stupid and dont get (no offense) but that was a lot of info. And one of the things I was talking about was my cousins and how two of them lived in arizona and how excited I was when they were coming to visit and they did and it was so much fun but that was a long time ago you know like a whole 2 months and now they live here (yay) and now i see them all the time. And now Merrielena lives here now I have all my cousins here except for one his name is micheal and he lives in california. He is also freakishly tall he's like 6 foot something and he is still growing. Anyway school is good well as good as its gonna get but CRTs are over a.k.a Criterion Referenced Tests or as I like to call it Crap Retarded Tests lol. And know my blog is over (for this passage) :-( And you better comment this or I will be forced to go all chuck norris on you so be afraid be very afraid.